Answer the following questions.
Question 1) State management. Also explain various theories of management.
Question 2) Distinguish between leader and manager. Also describe trait approach of leadership.
Question 3) What do you mean by the “uncertainty”? Describe un-programmed decision making with appropriate examples.
Question 4) Define organizing. Also describe various types of organizational structures.
Question 5) Describe the concept of Management by objective (MBO) with appropriate examples.
Question 6) What do you mean by motivation? Describe theories of motivation.
Question 7) State organizational communication. Also describe the lateral and informal communication with suitable examples.
Question 8) Describe the kinds of control and explain the use of control tools with appropriate examples.
Question 9) What are the various motivational strategies? Critically analyze each strategy.
Question 10) Why is it essential to train managers for future? Explain it in detail.