Answer all the questions.
Question 1) What do you mean by the term ‘gynocritique’ used by Elaine Showalter in her essay “Towards a Feministic Poetics”.
Question 2) Explain the terms ‘colonizer’ and ‘colonized’ as used by Bill Ash Craft Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin in “The Empire Writes back.”
Question 3) Write a short note Aristotle’s concept of ‘Imitation’ in “Poetics”.
Question 4) Give a short account of the concept of ‘The function of poetry’ as stated by Aristotle in “Poetics”.
Question 5) Write a brief note on ‘The Female Phase’ as stated by Showalter in her essay “Towards a Feministic Poetics.”
Question 6) Attempt an analysis of “Hamartia” and “Catharsis” in Aristotle’s Poetics.”
Question 7) Write a detail note on Coleridge as a critic.
Question 8) How is Eliot’s account of tradition related to his notion of progress of an artist as ‘a continual extinction of personality’?