
Explaining classical and neo-classical systems in management

Question 1) Explain briefly:

a) Is management an art or science?

b) What do you understand by sole proprietorship?

c) Differentiate between Partnership and Joint Stock Company.

d) Write down the difference between classical and neo-classical systems in management?

e) What do you understand by social responsibility?

f) What is the requirement of planning?

g) What do we understand by Span of Management?

h) What is a matrix organization?

i) What is meant by job design?

Question 2) Describe the classical schools of management thought in brief.

Question 3) Describe the decision making process in detail.

Question 4) What is an organizational chart? Differentiate between formal and informal organization.

Question 5) What is the requirement for manpower planning? What are the factors affecting staffing?

Question 6) Describe McGregor's theory of motivation in detail.

Question 7) What are the barriers to controlling? Describe the different control techniques.

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Business Management: Explaining classical and neo-classical systems in management
Reference No:- TGS08279

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