
Explaining characteristics of a benson boiler

1)a) Define the terms Load factor, Demand factor, Capacity factor and use factor.

b) Which type Power plants are more in India? give reasons.

c) List the essential elements of hydro power plant and how the hydro power plants are classified?

2)a) Explain with a neat sketch functions of Surge tank.

b) Write a short note on Mini and Micro Hydro power plant.

c) With a neat sketch explain the working of a Pumped storage Power plant.

3)a) Explain different types of fuels used for Power generation.

b) Explain with a neat sketch working of a Spreader stoker firing system.

c) What is the difference between Unit and Central bin pulverizing system?

4)a) What are the advantages of using High pressure boilers?

b) With a neat sketch explain characteristics of a Benson Boiler.

c) Explain in brief Natural, Forced and Balanced draught of Chimney.

5)a) Why cooling and Lubrication system is required for a Diesel power plants?

b) What are the advantages of Open cycle gas power plants?

c) Draw and explain Elements of Nuclear Reactor.

6)a) With a neat sketch explain the characteristics and its advantages of BWR.

b) Explain with a neat sketch Characteristics of Fast Breeder reactor.

c) Write a short note on Waste Disposal method.

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Mechanical Engineering: Explaining characteristics of a benson boiler
Reference No:- TGS04469

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