
Explaining channels for services and channels for products

Attempt all the questions.


Question1) Many companies recruit competitors’ sales force. The sales manager of these companies has a feeling that let competitor do the training and they could hire the trained sales force by paying an extra salary. Is this ethical? Does this make good business sense?

Question2) “When training covers the present requirement of the organization, development looks at the future“.  Justify the statement with appropriate examples?

Question3) Valence, expectancy, and instrumentality are the three key propositions of the expectancy theory? Describe the applications of this theory in describing the motivation of sales people?

Question4) How are channels for services different from channels for products?


Case Study

In the campus interview two sales managers met after the gap of five years. Both of them were visiting campus for recruiting sales staff. They were working in same organization after their business degrees and then one of them switched over to a competitor’s organization after five years. They were quite excited seeing each other after such a long gap. They were discussing about last interview they conducted on the campus; that of girl student. The first gentleman commented that girl looked very feminine as if she will need someone to take care of her while at work in the organization and she was not at all serious about the sales job. When asked to give his comments, the second gentleman said that the girl was wearing a flowery blouse, flouncy sleeves, and a lace collar. The other gentleman countered by saying: ‘what’s the flowery blouse, flouncy sleeves, and a lace collar got to do with job performance?’

Question5) Give your comments on the above statements.

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Other Management: Explaining channels for services and channels for products
Reference No:- TGS03341

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