
Explaining call-by-reference and multiple inheritance

Question 1) Write a C++ program to determine centigrade for a given Fahrenheit temperature.

Question 2) Write down the benefits of OOP?

Question 3) Write a C++ program to check whether given number is prime or not.

Question 4) Describe call-by-reference with suitable example.

Question 5) What is friend function? Give suitable example.

Question 6) Write a short note on Function Templates.

Question 7) Describe the following with example:

(i) Parameterized Constructors.

(ii) Copy Constructor.

Question 8) Describe Multiple Inheritance with suitable example.

Question 9) Describe the following:

(i) Destructor.

(ii) Nested classes.

Question 10) Write a C++ program to define the class called shape and overload the area( ) method to determine the area of the circle and rectangle.

Question 11) Write a C++ program to count and display the numbers of vowels present in the text file.

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C/C++ Programming: Explaining call-by-reference and multiple inheritance
Reference No:- TGS07153

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