
Explaining black box and white box testing

Attempt all the questions.


Question1) What is a Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP)? What are the responsibilities and needs of individuals and organization in implementation of Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP)?

Question2) What are the main activities involve with test planning and examine how they are vital for any organization before putting any software in actual use?

Question3) Write brief notes on following on context of the operating systems:-

a) QA in the waterfall process

b) Black and white box testing

c) Software Quality planning and goals.

Question4) What are the different measurements could be taken during QA activities. How you explain verification and validation of any software processes.


Case Study

Question5) What do you mean by Software Requirement Specification (SRS)? How significant is this document according to you? Assume yourself a software consultant and prepare a brief SRS for XYZ Bank.

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Software Engineering: Explaining black box and white box testing
Reference No:- TGS03533

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