
Explaining binary and manchester encoding techniques

1. Describe the use of computer networks.

2. Explain the features of LAN in detail.

3. What do you mean by piggybacking?  Write down its advantages and disadvantages.

4. How are errors caused in transmission lines?

5. Describe the Binary and Manchester encoding techniques with suitable example.

6. What do you mean by congestion? Write down the ways of avoiding congestion.

7. Describe the issues in network security.

8. Describe multiplexing technique.

9. Describe the problems associated with Backward Learning.

10. What do you mean by transport address? Who will allocate it?

11. Why is layered architecture of network preferred?

12. What is the principal difference between circuit switching and packet switching?

13. Describe how errors are detected using CRC.

14. What do you mean by Pipelining? Explain the merits and demerits of using this technique.

15. Describe about any two methods of framing.

16. Describe virtual circuits and datagrams in detail.

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Computer Networking: Explaining binary and manchester encoding techniques
Reference No:- TGS09367

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