
Explaining back patching and applications of dag

1) How will you symbolize the following equation using the DAG, a: =b*-c + b*-c. What is the purpose of DAG?

2) What is the intermediate code representation for the expression a or b and not c?

3) How would you map names to Values?

4) What are the different methods of implementing three address statements?

5) Suggest a appropriate approach for completing hash function.

6) Write down the methods of representing a syntax tree?

7) Write down the Syntax of directed definition of if-else statement.

8) What do you mean by back patching?

9) Write down the applications of DAG.

10) What do you mean by marker non-terminals with suitable example.

11) Why are quadruples favoured over triples in an optimizing Compiler?

12) Write down the triple representation of a ternary operation x:= y[i].

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Theory of Computation: Explaining back patching and applications of dag
Reference No:- TGS010898

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