
Explaining application of satellite for telephone services

Question 1) Develop FRIIS equation related to satellite communication. State the equation in decibel relation.

Question 2) A satellite transponder with 30 MHz bandwidth relays the television signal using FM modulation. The downlink EIRP of satellite is 32 dBW. Assuming the receiving earth station has a system noise temperature of 100 K and uses a parabolic-dish antenna having gain of 52 dB, compute C/N received.

Question 3) Why are VSATs so popular? Write down their applications.

Question 4) Sketch and describe simplified block diagram of communication satellite transponder.

Question 5) Suppose that you want to analyze overall performance of a satellite relay system that uses a "bent pipe" transponder. Let (C/N)up denote the carrier-to- noise ratio (CNR) for the transponder as evaluated in the IF band of the satellite transponder. Let (C/N)dn denote the IF CNR ratio at the downlink receiving ground station when the satellite is sending a perfect (noise-free) signal. Illustrate that the operating CNR ratio at the IF of receiving ground station, (C/N)ov, is given by [(C/N)ov]-1 =[(C/N)up]-1 + [(C/N)dn]-1.

Question 6)(a) Describe the concept of orbital aspects of satellite  communications.

(b) Describe what you know about mobile satellite networks.

Question 7) Explain the application of satellite for telephone services.

Question 8) Write detailed note on any two of the following:

(a) Describe the effects of rain, ice and carrier frequency on depolarization.

(b) GPS

(c) Draw the earth station using antenna.

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Electrical Engineering: Explaining application of satellite for telephone services
Reference No:- TGS08492

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