
Explaining and computing okun''s law

1. Use Okun's law to answer the questions below;

ut - ut-1 = -0.4(gyt - 3%) Assuming ut-1 = 7%

a) Compute the change in u (ut - ut-1) for each of the following values of gyt: 5%, 7%, 9%. How much has output growth increased? What happens to the change in unemployment due to this increase?

b) Compute the change in u (ut - ut-1) for each of the following values of gyt: 2.5%, 1.5% and 0. How much has output growth decreased? What happens to the change in unemployment due to this increase?

c) Compute the change in u (ut - ut-1) when gyt is 3%. What should the growth rate of output be to keep ut from changing?

2. Assume a central bank decides to increase m by 2.8%. What will be the medium run effects of this on gyt, ut and πt?

3. Taxes are affected by the level of economic activity: When output increases, tax revenues typically increase, when output falls, tax revenues fall. Suppose a balanced- budget amendment is passed by Congress, which requires that the budget always be balanced. Further suppose that economy is initially operating at its natural level of output and that the budget is presently balanced.

a.)Now assume consumer confidence declines. What effect would this have on the IS Curve (graph and explain), on AD curve (graph and describe), output, tax revenues and on the budget?

b) Given that we now have a balanced- budget amendment, what would policymakers have to do in this situation?

c) Based on your answers in "a" and "b", what effect does existence of a balanced-budget amendment have on the output effects of any shock to aggregate demand?

d) Based on your analysis in question "c", what happens to fluctuations in output caused by shocks to aggregate demand in presence of a balanced-budget amendment?

4.  Suppose B, G and T are in real terms (and in billions of dollars).

Bt-1 = 1000      Gt= 220           Tt= 200            it = .15    πt = .10

a)  Compute the official measure of the deficit in year t.

b)  Compute the correct (i.e. inflation adjusted) measure of deficit in year t.

c)  Compute the primary deficit in year t.

d) Discuss what happens to the primary deficit in year t if the nominal interest rate in year t increases to 17%.

e) To what extent does the official measure of the deficit overstate correct measure?

f) Given the above information, what will happen to the level of debt between years t-1 and t? Describe

5. Use the information provided in question #4 to answer this question.

a) What should happen to taxes in year t for the primary deficit to be zero?

b) What should happen to taxes in year t for the debt to remain constant between years t-1 and t?

c) What should happen to taxes in Year t for the debt to be fully repaid?

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Microeconomics: Explaining and computing okun''s law
Reference No:- TGS02017

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