
Explaining 4 bit cmos adder with barrel shifter

1) Write down the various kinds of design rules and layout for CMOS design, describe at least two design rules in detail?

2) Draw a 4 bit CMOS adder; illustrate the stick diagram with barrel shifter.

3) Describe the scaling models and scaling factors and Write down the limitations of scaling.

4) Describe how pipelining is achieved in the CMOS technology for synchronous and asynchronous system?

5) (a) Explain whether it is convenient to have two or more subprograms with the same name in VHDL?  Write down suitable example.

(b) If two overloaded programs have same parameter types and result types how to hide the other.  Illustrate with suitable example?

6) Write down the various kinds of attributes associated within a VHDL description giving suiatble example for each types?

7) Describe the working of fly back converter give the prone and corns with a neat and suitable sketch?  What was the effect of transformer Leakage inductance?

8) Design the schematic diagram of valley control system architecture and describe how it could be implemented?

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Electrical Engineering: Explaining 4 bit cmos adder with barrel shifter
Reference No:- TGS013147

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