Question 1)a)(i) Mention whether the following are True or false:
i) “A browser might or might not establish a TCP connection with a Web server before it sends an HTTP request”.
ii) “Proxy server is used to transform TCP/IP protocol to HTTP format.”
b) Comment on and describe:
i) “HTTP is a stateless protocol”.
ii) “TELNET can actually be used to send HTTP commands to a web server.”
c) Explain the 3-tier architecture for any modern web application.
Question 2)a) Describe in details, stepwise execution of Dynamic Web Pages with appropriate example and suitable flow diagram.
b) Write down the three approaches for e-commerce application development?
Question 3)a) Create static HTML page which displays the following list of items.

b) Write down the advantage of document-level style sheets over inline style sheets? What is the format of an external style sheet?
Question 4) Create the HTML document which explains nested ordered lists of cars. The outer list should have three entries: compact, midsize, and sports. Inside each of these lists there should be two sub-lists of body styles. The compact and midsize car sub-lists are two doors and four doors; the sports car sub-lists are coupe and convertible. Each body style sub-list must have at least three entries, each of which is the make and model of a particular car that fits the category. The outer list should use uppercase Roman numerals, the middle lists must use uppercase letters, and the inner lists must use Arabic numerals. The background color for the compact car list must be pink; for the mid size car list, it must be blue; for the sports car list, it must be red.
All of the styles should be in a document style sheet.
Question 5)a) Explain how a web server can be made dynamic.
b) Describe in details, the program execution of the following code?
c) Describe with suitable example primitive data types of VbScript.