
Explaindescribe what each tool is and what it does explain

Assignment: Tools for Penetration Testing


The goal of this project is to learn about tools you can use for penetration testing.


1. This is a team assignment.

2. Create a document in MS Word for your project. When submitting your .Docx file please do not compress it in any way.

3. Create a title page for this project. Include the following information:

a. The Name of the project
b. Your team member's names
c. Who from your team did which tool(s)

4. In the document you must use "in text" citations in APA format and you must include a reference page in APA format. The following link provides access to reference documents that will show you how to apply APA references -APA Referencing.The Fanshawe Library is another source as well.

5. You can also use the APA reference feature in MS Word to help you include the APA citations and reference page in your document.

6. Our book (pages 180-182) describes tools that can be used for Penetration testing. These tools are:

- Fault Tolerance Tools
- Disassemblers
- Control flow Tools
- Breakpoint setters and Monitors
- Buffer Overflow
- Shell Code
- Rootkits

7. Research each of these tools and:

i. Explain/describe what each tool is and what it does
ii. Explain how you would use it in a ‘black hat' way
iii. Explainhow you would use it in a ‘white hat' way

8. Your report should have 10 sections:

- Title page
- Executive Summary
- Fault Tolerance Tools
- Disassemblers
- Control flow Tools
- Breakpoint setters and Monitors
- Buffer Overflow
- Shell Code
- Rootkits
- References.

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Reference No:- TGS02577347

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