
explain congenital heart disease no systematic

Explain congenital heart disease ?

No systematic surveys have been conducted to estimate the incidence of CHD at birth in India and other developing countries. As a result there really is no information available about the CHD incidence at birth in India.

There are examples 01 studies that have surveyed school going children for CHD. School survey data fro111 the Amrita institute of Medical Sciences suggest a CHD prevalence of 2 per 1000. Clearly such studies cannot be use to determine the magnititude of CHD in the population because it does not account for the very high attrition of CHD.

Extrapolation of data from developed countries may give us a rough estimate of CHD prevalence at birth. Using statistics from the developed nations. It call be estimated that between 130,000 to 270,000 children are born with CHD each year in India. Approximately 80,000 newborns with CHD would require intervention during the neonatal period or infancy each year. Between 3-10 per cent of the present infant mortality [nay be accounted for by CHD.

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Biology: explain congenital heart disease no systematic
Reference No:- TGS0275409

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