
Explain your views on these stereotypes in modern society


Maria, a student, is a Mexican immigrant whose parents live in Mexico. She tells Kim, an Asian student, that she thinks they're both very lucky to be attending college in America. When Kim asks Maria why she thinks she is so lucky, Maria says as a Chinese immigrant, Kim must be really smart and is lucky her family can afford to send her to the United States to attend college. Kim is a third generation Japanese-American. Born a United States citizen, Kim receives financial aid to pay for her college education. Maria doesn't mean any harm she just thinks that she and Kim are both immigrants from different circumstances who are trying to better themselves. Normally, Kim just ignores people's microaggressions, but she has time today.

1) What do you think Kim should say or do?

2) Think about what you think about race based stereotypes.

3) Explain your views on these stereotypes in modern society.

4) Share your ideas, thoughts, and/or feelings about ways Kim might effectively communicate her issue with Maria's stereotyped assumptions.

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HR Management: Explain your views on these stereotypes in modern society
Reference No:- TGS03240941

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