Explain your thinking along the way down rabbit hole

Problem: We all have had a question or thought spring to mind and we jumped on Rabbit Hole: Google to try and find more information. The next thing you know it's 2am and you've gone down the internet or YouTube rabbit hole. You've clicked through and read bits of a dozen WebPages and watched 7 YouTube videos and a TedTalk. Surely that isn't just me? So for this assignment, I want you to go down the internet rabbit hole researching any topic related to the course that you find interesting. However, I want you to keep track of the path you take. That is, start at google.com, type in a search string, and go from there but keep track of the pages you visit and tell me what each page contributed to your understanding of the topic. Was the page useful? Why? Was it not what you were looking for? Why? Where did you go next? Why did you go there? What did you find when you got there? Etc.

So a basic assignment would have a search term, a list of at least 5 WebPages, an explanation of what you found on each page and why you went to the next one and what you found on that page, etc.

You can get as elaborate or as scattered as you want with this assignment. I really want to see what topic(s) interests you and how you went about finding the answer(s) and maybe how the topic morphed from one interest into another. Whatever goes, just explain to me your thinking along the way down the rabbit hole!

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