
Explain your reasons for classifying the actors as you do

The film I chose this week is "When Harry Met Sally"

Make sure that you answer question pertaining to this movie....

Using specific examples from When Harry Met Sally write in 200 words

Identify 3 actors from this film and lcassify each according to the acting category listed in your text. (If you dont know the categories, message me and i will give them to you).

1. Explain your reasons for classifying the actors as you do. Use specific references to the film and speical attention to how these decisions impacted characterization. Also consider the impact of any realistic or stylized portrayals within the film.

2. Focus on one of the acotrs you've discussed. Based on other films the acto has bee in, would this actor always be placed in the same category? If so, what does this say about the category or actor? If not, what can you infer about the flexibility of these categories? Provide evidence (references from other films, including film clips and stills) to support your agrument.

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Dissertation: Explain your reasons for classifying the actors as you do
Reference No:- TGS02405329

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