
Explain your method of data collection

Discuss the below:

 Immunization for Adolescents- This is a measure that could best be classified as very outcome oriented. Typically preventative measures are directed toward preventing a certain outcome. A measure such as immunization for adolescents is a typically simple process as the key focus is to make this type of healthcare measure affordable and efficient for a huge majority of the population.

 Breast Cancer Screening- Breast Cancer Screening could also be classified as an outcome based measure. The purpose of providing this screening is to catch potential problems quickly before they could result in an extremely undesirable outcome.

Care for Older Adults- This measure would typically be classified as a process. There are many complex components to this concept, and it is a constantly changing strategy. This measurement could also be classified as patient experience because it is designed to meet the needs of the patient. The goal for elderly care is to constantly define better processes that improve care plans and offer more effective healthcare treatment to fit the needs of the patient.

Controlling High Blood Pressure- Blood pressure control would be a good example of another process measure. The control of blood pressure includes changing components such as reducing stress, improving diet, and managing medication accordingly. Rarely is
this ever an outcome driven measure because the result may be reached until it is altered by another component.

Annual Dental Visits- Annual Dental visits involve a great deal of luxury preventative care, and could potentially be classified as a patient experience measure. This measure is centered around the patient experience because annual dental visits typically involve searching for cavities and providing a service to a patient that is not always medically necessary. There are few threatening health results that would be an outcome of infrequent dental visits. There is also a structural component to this measure due to the regular occurrence of the annual visit.

For each measure, which sources you will consider for data collection.

For each measure, please explain your method of data collection by addressing the what, who, when and How

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Other Subject: Explain your method of data collection
Reference No:- TGS01794973

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