Explain your impression of how people lived and thought

Discussion Post

Part I: Political Philosophy. One medium-sized paragraph should suffice.

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were the 17th century's preeminent political philosophers.

Briefly explain one important similarity and one important difference in their political philosophies.

Part II: Marriage and Family Life. Provide a medium-sized paragraph for each part of the question.

Name and explain three important features of marriage and family life in pre-industrial Europe. What family pattern predominated in 1) Western and 2) Eastern Europe? Why? Explain three major differences between marriage and/or family life then and today.

Part III: Answer two of the following questions. Aim for one-and-a half to two pages for each question (about 4-6 paragraphs, depending on the question).

i. Explain your impression of how people lived and thought in European pre-industrial society and provide three major differences between life then and now (excluding marriage and family life). Also, identify three major forces of change in Europe between approximately 1350 and 1650 and discuss their impact on life and thought.

ii. Discuss Galileo Galilei's contributions to the Scientific Revolution and explain the reasons for his difficulties with the Catholic Church. Which of his views did the Church find heretical? Why? What were the consequences that Galileo suffered because of his problems with the Church (that is, what happened to him after his trial)? What implications did the Scientific Revolution's discoveries, especially Galileo's and Sir Isaac Newton's, have for the relationship between science and religion?

iii. Discuss the reasons for, and the major results of, the conflict between the Stuart kings (notably James I, Charles I, and James II) and Parliament, and explain why England/Great Britain became socially, economically, and politically the most dynamic nation in Europe by the early 18th century, even before experiencing the Industrial Revolution.

iv. This semester we have studied state-building in England/Great Britain (which is covered in question C), France, Prussia, and Russia, focusing much attention on important rulers such as France's Louis XIV, Prussia's Frederick William the Great Elector, Frederick William I, Frederick II ("the Great"); and Russia's Ivan IV ("the Terrible"), Peter I ("the Great"), and Catherine II ("the Great"). Among these rulers, select the three you consider the most successful in the task of creating a strong state; rank them as 1, 2, and 3; and explain the reasons for your selections in terms of the quality of leadership each provided and his/her achievements. Finally, what obstacles, if any, did each of your choices have to overcome to create a robust monarchy?

The response must include a reference list. Using one-inch margins, double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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History: Explain your impression of how people lived and thought
Reference No:- TGS03090332

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