
Explain your analysis in the experiment evaluate your

Assignment -

A dashboard-type report for the case study. You may use Excel or Tableau. The data analysis should be improved from Assignment 1 based on the feedback received and further tools and techniques you learnt in Weeks 7 to 11.

A Knime file with a data mining workflow for the case study.

A Word document of about 600 words explaining what data analyses you have done and your interpretation of the outcomes.

Constructing the classification tool

1. Experiment different configurations of the decision tree tool in Knime to find the best one you can. (NB. The error rate should be less than 15%).

2. It is expected that while exploring this tool, you may need to keep coming back to explore the dataset to find the best set of inputs for your classification problem.

3. When you are happy with your classification tool, create a dashboard in Tableau or Excel to present these inputs and how they affect IsBadBuy (Kicks). Be mindful to choose appropriate visuals for your dashboard.

Use the data analytic methods you have learnt in the whole semester. Explain your analysis in the experiment. Evaluate your classification tool and explain how it may assist the buyer to reduce the Kicks rate.

Word count: 2500 = (Report : 500 + Calc etc: 2000)

Style - Harvard

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Basic Statistics: Explain your analysis in the experiment evaluate your
Reference No:- TGS02939991

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