
Explain work clearly using the irac method

Assignment task: Please watch the video below

YouTube Video: IRAC Explained

IRAC Method: The legal reasoning process that is used to decide cases regardless of length and complexity.

IRAC is acronym for Issue, Rule, Application, and Conclusion.

Issue - What are the legal issues or questions that arise out of the facts of the case or situation?

Rule - What rule of law applies to the case? Or rules

Application - How does the rule of law apply to the particular facts and circumstances of this case?

Conclusion - What conclusion should be drawn?

IRAC Assignment:

Using the following sentence to the facts stated: "The State Pennsylvania exempted all Pennsylvania manufactures of products that might become e-waste (such as computers, televisions, and cell phones) from bearing that label (" This product will become e-waste, which is harmful to the planet and to you. Dispose responsibility". The legislative body of Pennsylvania exempted Pennsylvania manufacturers from this requirement because it wanted to ensure that Pennsylvania manufacturers were relatively well-positioned in the market as compared to other manufacturers. Setting aside First Amendment concerns for the moment analyze whether this statute violates the Commerce Clause. Please explain work clearly using the IRAC method.

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