
Explain why your employers efforts worked

Application: Motivating Employees

You are now familiar with various theories and approaches to motivating employees. Consider your current job, a job you have had in the past, or one you know well, and then complete the Assignment.

Create a 300- to 700-word paper which response all of the following questions:

• What motivational techniques, methods, or strategies does (or did) your current or past employer use to try to keep employees productive, satisfied, or motivated?

• What worked and didn't work to keep you productive, satisfied, and/or motivated?

• What motivational theories explain why your employer's efforts worked or didn't work to keep their employees productive, satisfied, or motivated?

• Based on your experiences and the readings, what would you recommend that your current or past employer do to try to keep their employees productive, satisfied, and/or motivated?

Assignments should be in APA style and format.

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Other Management: Explain why your employers efforts worked
Reference No:- TGS01820887

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