
Explain why you think this intervention is appropriate for

Discussion 1: Generating Support for Evidence-Based Practices

When treating clients, social workers must ensure that the evidence-based practice is appropriate for the client and the problem. Then, the social worker must get the client and other stakeholders to support the selected evidence-based practice. To earn that support, the social worker should present the client and stakeholders with a plan for implementation and evidence of the evidence-based practice efficacy and appropriateness. Social workers must demonstrate that they have carefully considered the steps necessary to implement the evidence-based practice, identified factors in the current environment that support implementation of the evidence-based practice, and addressed those factors that may hinder the successful implementation.

For this week's Discussion, you will take on the role of the social worker in the Levy case study. You will choose an evidence-based practice and attempt to gain the support of both the client and supervisor. To do so, you will address its efficacy, appropriateness, and factors that may impact implementation of the evidence-based practice that you chose.

To prepare for this Discussion, review Levy Episode 2 (TRANSCRIPT ATTACHED). Then using the registries provided in this week's resources and the Walden Library, locate an evidence-based practice that you believe would be appropriate for Jake's case. Then, review the Evidence-Based Practice kit for Family Psycho Education from the SAMHSA website from the resources. Note all the steps and considerations involved in implementing the evidence-based practice and which of these considerations apply to this case. Consider issues such as agency support, resources, and costs that might support or limit the application of the evidence-based intervention that you select.

1. Post an evaluation of the evidence-based practice that you selected for Jake. Describe the practice and the evidence supporting it.

2. Explain why you think this intervention is appropriate for Jake.

3. Then provide an explanation for the supervisor regarding issues related to implementation.

4. Identify two factors that you believe are necessary for successful implementation of the evidence-based practice and explain why.

5. Then, identify two factors that you believe may hinder implementation and explain how you might mitigate these factors.

Be sure to include APA citations and references.

Discussion 2 : External Factors Impacting an Organization

Last week, you explored how systems theory and the ecological perspective emphasize the interaction between a human services organization and its environment. Any change in one part of the system effects change in another part of the system. Because organizations are not immune to their environment, local, national, and global events affect them.

Social workers in administrative roles must be able to identify and analyze the external factors that affect the function of the human services organizations for which they work. Though you may apply leadership and management skills as you assume an administrative position, you may also be able to repurpose many of the assessment skills you use in clinical practice for macro social work. Just as you gather information about a client and develop strategies for treatment at a micro level, so too, at a macro level, you gather and analyze information about a situation or program and identify appropriate strategies that will support positive organizational functioning.

For this Discussion, you address the Phoenix House case study in the Social Work Case Studies: Concentration Year text.

1. Post an analysis of the supervisor's role in the Phoenix House case study and identify leadership skills that might help the supervisor resolve the issue.

2. Identify which aspect of this situation would be most challenging for you if you were the supervisor.

3. Finally, explain how you would use leadership skills to proceed if you were the supervisor.

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Dissertation: Explain why you think this intervention is appropriate for
Reference No:- TGS02801981

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