
Explain why you think that fallacy is being committed


In the following passages, identify any fallacies of irrelevance (genetic fallacy, composition, division, appeal to the person, equivocation, appeal to popularity, appeal to tradition, appeal to ignorance, appeal to emotion, red herring, and straw man) or fallacies of unacceptable premises (begging the question, false dilemma, slippery slope, hasty generalization, and faulty analogy). Explain why you think that fallacy is being committed.

1) "If the government outlaws assault rifles, what's next? I'll tell you: next they'll ban handguns, and then hunting rifles, and then hunting bows, and then knives. Therefore, the government should not outlaw assault rifles."

2) All of the atoms that make up the table are invisible to the naked eye, so the table must be invisible to the naked eye as well

3) Many adjunct faculty members argue that their working conditions are unjust because they are underpaid and are not given medical benefits, even though they usually teach the same number of classes as full-time faculty members. Well, if things are so bad, why don't they just get different jobs? There are several jobs opening up in the technological and industrial sectors of society. In fact, there are several oil and gas companies in the Dakotas that are in desperate need of workers, and the pay for these types of jobs tends to be very high.

4) Nirvana, Cream, and Deep Purple are three of the best bands in history, because all three of these bands were endorsed by Rolling Stone magazine. And we know that Rolling Stone magazine only endorses the best bands, as evidenced by the fact that they endorsed Nirvana, Cream, and Deep Purple.

5) "Of course I was justified in shooting him, your honor. It was either that or continue tolerating his insults toward my wife!"

Textbook: The power of critical thinking fifth edition by Lewis Vaughn.

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HR Management: Explain why you think that fallacy is being committed
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