
Explain why you believe manuel did or did not plagiarize


Manuel, a UMA graduate, works for a healthcare practice. The office manager asks Manuel to research some online articles and create a report by next Monday. The topic of the report is heart disease prevention.

Compare a portion of Manuel's report (below) to his source.

Manuel's Report: When it comes to heart disease, it's not who you know - it's who you came from. Heart disease is hereditary, so if you're dealt a bad card by your ancestors, you need to embrace a healthy lifestyle and steer clear of smoking, heavy drinking, and poor dietary choices. All the money and medical care in the world won't make it OK for you to eat bacon cheeseburgers if there's a history of heart disease in your family.

While celebrities don't have to do some of life's more unpleasant experiences (like washing their cars, for one), no one has immunity against heart disease and heart attacks.

In this report, we'll talk about five celebrities who had heart attacks. Of the five, some lived, some died, and some saw the light and adopted a heart-healthy lifestyle and attitude...

I. Explain why you believe Manuel did or did not plagiarize in his report. Support your answer with information from this week's readings and interactives.

II. Is the article that Manuel is using a credible source? Provide specific reasons to support your opinion.

III. Describe the consequences - to you professionally and to your company - of violating copyright laws and committing plagiarism.

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Reference No:- TGS03296225

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