
Explain why you are making the recommendations that you are


Academic Integrity Policy: This case analysis is to be the result of each student's own individual work.

The individual case analysis is to be no more than eight double spaced pages in Times New Roman 12 point font. Appendices can consist of no more than three additional pages with up to a total of three exhibits. References can then follow. The case analysis is due at the start of class Thursday April 27.

The following major divisions should be used:

Summary of Background Information and Important Issues

This should consist of one short paragraph giving a brief description of important background information and issues relevant to the case.


This section is the heart of the report. The analysis section involves the identification, analysis, and evaluation of important issues relevant to the case. The analysis should focus on the issues faced at the time of the case. The student should apply strategic management concepts and tools in the analysis. Also, the use of outside research (with appropriate citations) is encouraged. Use sub headings in discussing various categories of analysis. Avoid merely recounting facts and history about the company. Make your paper consist of analysis.


The recommendations should follow directly from the analysis and should be logically consistent with the analysis. Explain why you are making the recommendations that you are. In your recommendations, be sure to keep the focus on what can and should be done in light of the constraints facing the company.

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Business Management: Explain why you are making the recommendations that you are
Reference No:- TGS02276043

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