Explain why training is appropriate or not

Discussion Post: Training & Development

Read the following cases and identify whether training is an appropriate solution to each.

• Case 1) A bank manager has noticed that two to three employees continually show up late to work and she wants them to start arriving on time.

• Case 2) Many new employees at a company struggle to learn the main customer relationship management (CRM) software. It typically takes them a month to be comfortable using it and management wants to cut that down to 2 weeks.

• Case 3) Park Rangers at a state forest park are supposed to write tickets for cars parked illegally on the fire service roads when the parking lots are full, but most Park Rangers don't write the tickets because they sympathize with the patrons because they know the parking lots are woefully inadequate for the number of visitors in the park.

• Case 4) A company just moved into a new much larger and much more high-tech building. The janitors have all new equipment and different types of high-tech rooms that require specialized cleaning and maintenance requirements. The janitors have no experience with this new equipment or requirements.

Part I:

In 75 to 100 words for each of the cases above, explain why training is appropriate or not. If not, explain what a more appropriate solution might be.

Part II:

For the cases that you determined training to be appropriate, in 250 to 500 words describe what strategies would be effective to facilitate learning to solve the performance issue.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Explain why training is appropriate or not
Reference No:- TGS03209027

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