
Explain why the trend in gross margins shown in part

The following table contains data obtained from annual reportsof Stride-Rite, a shoe manufacturer and retailer:

Years ended December 31 (in $thousands)












Gross profit




LIFO Liquidation




(net of taxes)


a. Compute the gross margin percentage for each year2006-2008.

b. Stride-Rite disclosed the effect of LIFO liquidationsnet of income tax. Assuming a tax rate of 35%, recomputeStride-Rite's gross margin for the years 2005-2007 afterremoving the effect of LIFO liquidation. (Hint: This meansthat COGS presented in template is determined after reflecting theeffect of before-tax LIFO liquidation)

c. Explain why the trend in gross margins shown in part bis a better indicator of Stride-Rite's performance than thereported gross margins.

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Accounting Basics: Explain why the trend in gross margins shown in part
Reference No:- TGS0722817

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