Explain why the sympathetic division of the ans has more


Please answer each of the following questions in your own words, using the following guidelines:

• Pay attention to the marks allotted for each question. Typically, one or two factual sentences are required for each mark.

• Use examples where appropriate.

• Do not "cut and paste" (copy) from the textbook.

• If you use reference materials other than the course materials, you must cite your sources.


1. a. Define homeostasis, and identify and describe the role of each component in a typical feedback loop.
b. Compare and contrast the positive feedback loop and the negative feedback loop.

2. Provide one important example (in the human body) of each of the following:
• a molecule containing ionic bonds
• a molecule containing covalent bonds, and
• a molecule containing hydrogen bonds.

What is the function of each of these three molecules in the human body? Why must each of these molecules have a specific type of bond to perform its function?

3. Explain the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis.

4. a. Discuss the fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane structure.
b. What is the role of channel proteins in establishing the resting membrane potential and action potentials?

5. Describe the assisted membrane transport mechanisms.

6. a. Describe the phases of an action potential, including ion movements and their mechanisms.
b. Describe the characteristics of the neuron cell membrane and its environment that contribute to the existence of a resting potential.

7. a. Describe how the central nervous system is protected from injury.
b. Identify the components of a spinal reflex arc, and describe the function of each component.

8. Explain the process and neural routes by which smells are sensed and perceived.

9. a. Describe the role of the reticular activating system in sleep, arousal, and consciousness.
b. Compare short term memory vs. long term memory with regard to specific changes that are thought to occur in the brain.

10. a. Describe the possible ways in which sympathetic preganglionic neurons may connect with postganglionic neurons.
b. Explain why the sympathetic division of the ANS has more widespread and longer lasting effects than the parasympathetic division.

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Dissertation: Explain why the sympathetic division of the ans has more
Reference No:- TGS02449475

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