
Explain why the organization has or has not acted ethically


Organizations that are committed to high ethical standards are often faced with difficult and complicated ethical questions. Think about how organizations make decisions and the role of the organization's ethical values in their decisions.

Choose an actual organization that faced a difficult ethical decision. This decision can be limited to a specific act, but it can also be an ongoing policy or plan.

Describe the ethical considerations related to the decision. Identify the stakeholders affected by this decision and discuss how the decision affected them. Then evaluate the organization's actions from an ethical point of view.

Explain why the organization has or has not acted ethically and explain what, if anything, the organization should have done differently.

Format: APA format

Length: 1,500 - 1,800 words

Resources: Minimum of four resources.

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Business Management: Explain why the organization has or has not acted ethically
Reference No:- TGS01716267

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