1. Explain why the following terms should not be used interchangeably: impairment, disability, handicap, and at risk.
2. Explain how each of the six major principles of IDEA will guide your thinking about working with young children as a child development professional. Based on what you learned in the first 2 weeks of the course, if you could recommend a change to IDEA in its next authorization that would do more to positively affect children ages 0-5, what would it be, and why?
3. IDEA requires that all children with special needs, birth to 3 years old, receive services in their "natural environment" and those children older than 3 be educated in the "least restrictive environment." Imagine that as a child development professional, you are part of an IEP team for a preschool child identified with a special need. Describe at least three considerations that would be essential to deciding what the least restrictive environment would be for that child.