
Explain why systems implementation sometimes fails secondly


Following with construction of a system, a system conversion is the process by which the new system replaces the old system. If a total new system is implemented, it is called an installation. The conversion style can vary from direct or parallel conversion. Direct conversion is a total cutover to a new system while in parallel, the new system is operated side by side with the old system. Conversions can be pilot conversions with selected modular units or locations, or phased conversions where systems are installed sequentially, or simultaneous conversions where all locations are converted simultaneously.

After an installation or conversion, the system is maintained to ensure it continues to meet business needs through some refinement. System maintenance is controlled by maintenance requests, which are approved and scheduled for development. Maintenance can be classified as preventive, corrective, adaptive, and perfective maintenance.

Maintenance personnel must also have a mechanism for documenting system errors and how they were resolved. These are sometimes called system error logs, and they are particularly important for large systems. It is useful for many reasons. It provides a record of what was done in case questions arise about the error or its resolution in the future. It also allows for tracking the type of errors and when these occur. It can also provide key data for many Key Performance Indicators such as number of system down errors, etc. It also assures that all reported errors and maintenance requests are logged and become part of the process of assessment and prioritization.

Typically companies have urgency levels or priorities on their error log. Errors that are severe in nature are frequently described as system down errors (the system will not operate correctly without resolution). These errors are assigned top priority and are resolved immediately. Exactly what 'immediately' means is based upon the application. If the application is a 24 x 7 application, it is likely that a programmer will be called and will begin work to resolve the error regardless of the time of day. If the application is less critical, it may mean that the error will be resolved during business hours.

With system down errors, unit testing is performed on the code, but system testing is not always done immediately. Sometimes components of an overall system test are performed on the modified code, but frequently unit testing is all that is done immediately. This means that after the revised code is installed, a process must be in place to ensure that it is fully system tested within a reasonable timeframe. If not, errors could be unintentionally introduced into the system again.

Required Reading

Krar, S. (n.d.). The importance of maintenance. Retrieved from https://www.automationmag.com/images/stories/LWTech-files/94%20Intelligent%20Systems.pdf

Takhur, D. (2012). What is system maintenance: What are the different types? Retrieved from https://ecomputernotes.com/mis/implementation-and-evaluation/what-is-system-maintenance-what-are-its-different-types

Explain why systems implementation sometimes fails. Secondly, describe several factors that influence the cost of maintaining an information system. Write this assignment in 2-3 pages.

You will be particularly assessed on:

Your ability to see what the module is all about and to deliver the assignment including 2-3 references.

Your ability to use software techniques and terminology of systems analysis and design correctly and in context.

Your paper submission must be in MS Word format.

References properly cited a must.

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Project Management: Explain why systems implementation sometimes fails secondly
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