• Question I: You lead the R&D team in Samsung Electronics. As the manager, explain how you can promote sharing information and knowledge in your team.
• Question II: In order to support innovation in your team, what attitude and behaviours are required from your team members?
• Question III: Explain why innovative ideas should be discussed with the team members and enough time must be given to test the ideas.
• Question IV: Explain why successful innovation should be reviewed. A relevant example should be included in your answer.
• Question V: Explain why sharing successful innovation is important.
• Question VI: Explain why reflection must be taken on implementing innovative ideas.
• Question VII: Explain how to seek feedback from relevant stakeholders to identify improvements in innovation.
• Question VIII: Explain why relevant stakeholders must be involved in discussion for challenging innovation.
• Question IX: Why should feedback be documented? Explain the types of documentation that could be used.