
Explain why security operatives in different industries


The ASIS "General Security Risk Assessment Guideline" is a 2003 ASIS International publication and a key resource for security operatives responsible of examining, evaluating, and managing risk to organizational assets and planning security operations.

After thoroughly reading and studying the publication's contents, particularly the seven (7) Recommended Practice Advisories and the corresponding commentaries, explain why a corporate security officials must understand the various risk management principles and be able to apply those principles when assessing the vulnerability of an organization's assets.

Incorporate into your response the significance of determining not just the various crime-related AND non-criminal threats to assets, but also the impact or "criticality" (losses, harm, and costs) of those threat or "risk" events AND the probability or likelihood of those events occurring. Use examples to demonstrate the points you make in your response.

Finally, identify the various information sources available to corporate security officials to determine the probability of the various threats that may be directed at the organization. Again use examples of sources used by a real-world company (Exxon, Walmart, Apple, Proctor and Gamble, Amazon, Kroger, etc.) to demonstrate the points you make in your response.

REMEMBER: Be sure to cite your sources from both the Learning Materials and outside research.

NOTE: Students will be required to employ these strategies in their final project.


"Top Security Threats and Management Issues Facing Corporate America" is a periodic Securitas Security Services USA, Inc., publication that assists security directors in completing their security planning.

After reading the results of the their most recent Survey of Fortune 1000 Companies and the "Emerging Trends" section of the publication, discuss possible reasons for corporate security director responses to the first five (5) security threats.

Also explain why security operatives in different industries place different emphasis on certain threats and provide specific examples.

Finally, examine the different management issues and their anticipated impact on security operations and, based on your understanding of the ratings and any other independent research you have completed this week, discuss the possible reasons for the responses and what you might do as a security operative to address the first six (6) issues.

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Dissertation: Explain why security operatives in different industries
Reference No:- TGS02797335

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