1. Describe how RSA algorithm works for cryptography in your own word.
(b) Explain why RSA works, namely the math foundation behind it. You must explain why each equation works and provide one simple example to verify that.
2. Itemize the steps described in the textbook for the scenario and explain the purpose for each step. Note: the purpose part is worth 25%.
1. Alice sends her intention to talk to KGB's KDC to CIA's KDC so CIA's KDC can initiate the required operation.
2. CIA's KDC generates Knew to let Alice and KGB's KDC communicate with the shared key Knew so that nobody else can decrypt their conversation without Knew.
3. CIA's KDC encrypts Knew with KAlice and sends it to Alice so that only Alice can decrypt it and know the key shared by Alice and KGB's KDC.

Draw a picture similar to the one above is sufficient.