
Explain why it is important to study organizational behavior

Discuss the below:

1. Explain why it is important to study organizational behavior.

2. In addition to basic enabling skills, the Department of Labor has identified five essential functional skills necessary to be successful in the workplace now and in the future. Briefly identify these skills.

3. What are the 3 classifications of Ethical Theories and provide a brief explanation for each classification?

4. How could a manager use self-fulfilling prophecies to improve a work group?

5. Briefly discuss the relationship between job satisfaction and performance. Are satisfied workers more productive or are productive workers more satisfied?

6. Equity theory can be used to explain consequences stemming from differences in pay. Assume many employees in a department feel underpaid. What do you predict their behavior and performance to be?

7. Is McGregor's Theory Y more appropriate given today's issues of managing organizational behavior? Explain.

8. Why have many organizations found management by objectives to be an effective approach to improving and sustaining high levels of performance?

9. Briefly indicate how you can prevent distress in preparing for the final exam of the course in which you are using this book.

10. How would you rank the five styles of conflict management in terms of their conflict-resolving effectiveness? The styles are Avoiding, Accommodating, Competing, Compromising, & Collaborating.

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Other Management: Explain why it is important to study organizational behavior
Reference No:- TGS01842452

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