
Explain why is it benefit for portugal slave trade

Assignment task: Analysis this text and explain why is it benefit for Portugal slave trade 

The inhabitants of this coast of Brazil all hold lands in fee [sesmaria], granted and guaranteed by the Captains of the land; and the first thing which they seek to obtain is slaves to work the land and to till their plantations and ranches, because without them they can not maintain themselves in the country; and one of the reasons why Brazil does not flourish much more is that the slaves revolt and flee to their own land and run away every day; and if these Indians were not so fickle and given to flight, the wealth of Brazil would be incomparable; the crops from which they obtain the greatest profit are sugar, cotton, and brazil-wood...All the inhabitants of this country have plantations of food-stuffs and sell much manioc flour one to the other, from which they also derive much profit. The majority of cattle on this coast are oxen and cows of which there is great abundance in all the Captaincies, because there is much grass and the country is always covered with verdure; except in Porto Seguro where cattle thrive only in the first year, in which time, they say, they become so fat that they all die from excessive fat. Of goats and sheep there are very few up to the present, but now they are beginning to multiply again...The inhabitants make money from this kind of cattle raising also. There are mares and stallions, too, but so far they are dear because they are not numerous in the land. They bring them from Cabo Verde here and they succeed very well. One finds also on the coast much ambergris which the sea throws up in nearly every instance when there is a storm and high water. Then many persons send their slaves to the shore to collect it in those places where is usually cast up. Often it happens that they thus become rich upon what their slaves find, as well as by trading in it with the free Indians [which inures to] the happiness and benefit of each one. The clothes which are made in this country are of cotton, the most of which comes from the Kingdom; there are also many Guinea slaves. There are more certain than the Indians of the country, because they never flee as they have nowhere to go. There is also much breeding of hogs, hens, mallards [adens], and wild ducks [patos da terra]. These are the stock and crops of the inhabitants of Brazil

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History: Explain why is it benefit for portugal slave trade
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