
Explain why evolution critical to understanding real world


1) If Diversity (as the engine of evolution) is the source of biological and economic survival, why are so many people afraid of it, or opposed to it? This question is not about biological diversity. This question is more about "fear of evolution as a fact of life."

2) It is as much a fact as all the following:

a) Isaac Newton's Theory of Gravity
b) Einstein's Theory of Relativity
c) Heisenberg's Theory of Uncertainty
d) Schrödinger's Theory of Conservation of Information
e) Democritus' Theory of Matter
f) Epicurus' Theory of Truth, "that which is real exists, and that which is not real does not exist."

3) People tend to mince words, to gain acceptance: such as when they are in a classroom (even an online class). Thus in a classroom in Salt Lake City it is very common to see the following situation. A teacher will say, "Raise your hand if you think Evolution of Species is real, and is a fact of nature." Nearly all the hands will go up. However, privately over half the students in that classroom are lying when they raise their hand, because they do not truthfully think Evolution is a science or a fact. Some are honest, but many lie. Lying always seems fashionable. This is interesting, because to lie is to commit a moral error.

4) Why would someone lie, especially someone who believes in the moral authority of a bible narrative? Why would they equivocate, or prevaricate? Raising a hand to affirm something they do not believe is a lie. Is this a balancing act? Do they believe it is better to raise their hand for the sake of social acceptance, and privately lie, than to not raise their hand and thus be honest with self? Especially in the pursuit of truth who cares what others may think? A commitment to be truthful is difficult under peer pressure. One of our goals is to convince students that the best way to live is to be consistent: something true in nature should also be accepted as true. There should be no inconsistency between being true to yourself and true to the facts of nature.

5) The discussion question below will ask you to post a statement about the truth of evolution. Of course, be truthful in discussing several issues: Remember, other students will see what you say here. Be honest and respectful.

6) Base your discussion post and your critiques of other students on sustainable arguments.

Explain why evolution is critical to understanding the real world, but especially business. This paragraph will be graded for sustainable arguments: this means your statements should be based on empirical evidence, facts, something that can be tested.

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Business Management: Explain why evolution critical to understanding real world
Reference No:- TGS03232551

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