
Explain why elders would be a good source of assistance if

Your organisation serves the local community, which has a diverse client base. Approximately half the clients come from an Anglo-Saxon background; however a significant number of clients are recent migrants from countries such as Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Sri Lanka.
Describe how you would communicate appropriately with clients from a diverse background when identifying their needs.

When communicating with clients from a diverse background it is important to be patient, speak clearly, normally and avoid shouting. Ensure you have a clear understanding and are suitably educated in regards to your clients cultural beliefs, values and traditions. It is important to utilise an interpreter if required. Misunderstandings can be a source of conflict, so be patient and avoid confusion by clarifying their understanding of conversations regularly. Take a genuine interest in your client's culture and use it to further your understanding.

Explain how verbal and non-verbal differences can affect communication with migrants who do not understand English.

When dealing with migrants who do not understand English, it is important to ensure that our use of language is consistent and professional.

We must remember to speak clearly and avoid the use of slang or jargon to avoid confusion. Using open ended questions when clarifying understanding is important so to assure that the client is able to understand you.

We should educate ourselves regarding social and cultural differences regarding eye contact and physical contact involving hugging, shaking hands and eye contact. We need to be aware of our body language and tone of voice and avoid using hand gestures as these may be misconstrued by the client.

When dealing with clients with very limited English skills, it is always advisable to use an interpreter.

Describe three (3) strategies you can use to communicate with clients where there is a language barrier.

1. Speak slowly and clearly. Don't rush your communication, even though doing so takes more time. Because if you rush through then miscommunication can result, ultimately taking more time to clear up the confusion.

2. Ask for clarification. If you are not sure you have understood the client correctly or if the client has understood you, then you need to ask for clarification and also ask them questions to ensure they have understood you.

3. Be patient. Cross-Cultural communication takes more time. Be patient with your client and as your relationship progresses, communication will become easier.

Explain how to use an interpreter effectively when conducting an interview with a client

To communicate with clients who have no shared language, an interpreter is needed. The Victorian Government Interpreting Guidelines recommend using the following processes:

• Introduce you and the interpreter to the client.
• Explain the interview aims and goals.
• Explain the role of the interpreter.
• The interviewer must maintain control of the interview.
• The interviewer must ask the questions and hear the full replies from the client. The interpreter must not conduct the interview or ask their own questions.
• Speak directly to the client; use appropriate eye contact.
• Use the first person when speaking to a client.
• Keep questions and statements short to allow the interpreter to interpret them in stages.
• Remember that interpreting is not just matching English and non-English words.
• Remember that having a basic understanding of English may not be enough to comprehend difficult terms or jargon.
• Do not engage the interpreter in discussion, if a discussion is required this must be explained to the client.
• Allow the client to ask questions or raise concerns.
• Summarise key points at the end of the interview.
(Victorian Government, n.d.)

Explain how misunderstandings and conflict can occur between workers and clients from different cultural and language backgrounds.
Misunderstandings can occur when the communication backgrounds and attitudes are different. The can be affected not only by our talking and listening skills but by our body language and facial expressions.

Conflict can occur when there is a lack of education and understanding by the service worker of different cultural practises. Extra training and staff support is crucial to developing a good cross-cultural communication strategy.

Conflict can also arise from outside environmental factors, such as, cultural groups bringing their hatred or mistrust in their new environment.

Explain potential effects cultural conflict and misunderstanding may have on a client from a culturally diverse background

Clients may feel excluded from activities if their communication needs are not met appropriately. They will become frustrated or angry if they feel they aren't being understood or are not understanding directions or conversations from service workers. We must avoid clients feeling isolated due to communication barriers and ensure we are using all communication strategies and training available to us to make sure we are able to communicate effectively with of CALD clients.

Explain why Elders would be a good source of assistance if you encountered difficulties in working with clients from their community.

Indigenous clients may not feel comfortable discussing conflict or difficulties with a non-indigenous service worker. In these cases, it is useful to approach the community Elder for assistance. In the Indigenous community, Elders are highly respected by Aboriginal families and communities; therefore they bring invaluable knowledge and are able to assist service organisations in resolving difficulties and conflicts.

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Dissertation: Explain why elders would be a good source of assistance if
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