
explain why asynchronous io activity is a problem

Explain why asynchronous I/O activity is a problem with many memory protection schemes, including base/bounds and paging. Suggest a solution to the problem.

An electronic mail system could be used to leak information. First, explain how the leakage could occur. Then, identify controls that could be applied to detect or prevent the leakage. Justify your answer based on literature.

A computer system provides protection using the Bell-La Padula policy. How would a virus spread if:
       • the virus were placed on the system at system low (the compartment that all other compartments dominate)?
       • the virus were placed on the system at system high (the compartment that dominates all other compartments)?

.In reference to access control explain the meaning the terms "granularity". Discuss the trade-off between granularity and efficiency

 Go to a web site where you do regular banking. Visit this website carefully and answer the following questions
    a. How can you be sure that the Web site belongs to your bank?
    b. How do you know that the information you type in is secure from phishing?
    c. What sorts of protection is provided by the bank to ensure secure online banking? Justify why the bank would use these security measures.

A bank has hired you to investigate employee fraud. The bank uses four 20TB servers on a LAN. You are permitted to talk to the network administrator, who is familiar with where the data is stored. What strategies should you use? Which acquisition method should you use?
Following aspects are the minimum requirements in this project:

  • What tools listed in the text book are available?

• How do you plan to acquire the data? Why will you choose a certain acquisition method?

  • What diplomatic strategies should you use with the network administrator?

• What privacy issues might be a concern with bank records (bank account numbers, customer names, etc.)?
• How do you plan to validate the data after acquiring it?

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Computer Networking: explain why asynchronous io activity is a problem
Reference No:- TGS0480011

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