1. Explain why a security architecture should be "layered." Answer conceptually and also include one specific illustration. You may focus on only one technology (eg, AAA, firewall, etc) if it's helpful. (1 and Half page length and References must be given after each answer separately. Do not mention all the references at once.)
2. Create the design for a new product (you are just "making this up") which attempts to identify data security / information assurance risks in a specific IT domain. In this first part of the design, identify a problem (eg, data security threat or information assurance issue) in a particular IT domain (environment), and then list some possible responses to that threat. The design of the product will be expanded in later assignments.. (1 and half page length and References must be given after each answer separately. Do not mention all the references at once.)
3. Computer Security Basics
After thoroughly reading part II of Computer Security Basics (chapters 3 - 6), answer these questions:
Chapter 4: either expand the "Malware Taxonomy" or add more information to the current threat descriptions.
Chapter 5: expand the "Security Audit" to include several other tasks.
Chapter 5: which principal was ignored by the company in regards to this news story - https://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/07/14/BAOS11P1M5.DTL
(2 pages length and References must be given after each answer separately. Do not mention all the references at once.)
4. Summarize the Orange Book (TCSEC) succinctly and give an example illustration (eg, a real system) of the four levels of protection.. (1 and half page length and References must be given after each answer separately. Do not mention all the references at once.)
Every Answer in APA Format and references must be after each answer.