Explain where your issue is in state and local budgets

Assignment task:

Texas State and Local Government (90739): TX GOV class.

Policy Project presentation stage 1

Gov 2306

Texas State & Local Government

Summer 2024

Presentation 1


Create a video presentation with 4 slides (or four topics if you are not using slides). You can use PowerPoint, Google, Canva, Prezi, or whatever presentation software you like, as long as it can be easily uploaded and viewed. I don't want a video of you moving from website to website - find the images and text you want to use and create a presentation.

You are not required to have your camera on, but you certainly can if you like.

Your data must be from 2021 or more recent.

Slide 1: Introduction

The goal here is to introduce this policy area. (You will narrow the topic and explain why you chose the topic in slide 4, so here just focus broadly.)

Text: name your policy area, include your name, and any other text you like, but do not include more than 10 words on a slide (unless it's a quotation you want to talk about).

Image: One or more images - Images that illustrate multiple topics within this policy area.

Spoken - Mention the broad policy area, such as transportation and provide a brief explanation of how local and state residents are impacted by this policy area. You will narrow your focus in a subsequent slide.

Slides 2-3: Budget information

The goal here is to briefly explain where your issue is in the state and local budgets discussed in Ch. 12.

Text: there is no required text. You can use key words, or no text. If you use text, use fewer than 10 words on the slide. (unless it's a quotation you want to talk about).

Image: Budget information - this could be pie charts or tables; we want the viewer to see the resources devoted to this issue compared to others in the budget. You can use a graph from Chapter 12, or find one on the city's or county's website. (I'll post links below.)

Spoken: Explanation of the budget information - provide enough explanation such that the viewer can understand the information without having any experience looking at budgets. End this discussion with what questions you have now that you looked at the data, what you want to know more about, what you could not find, or what surprised you and why.

Slide 4: Your narrower policy area

Since you cannot learn everything about your policy area, choose a more narrow aspect of this policy you want to learn about (remember this is a semester long project and will involve adding to this presentation).

Text: Name or describe your narrower topic; any other text you like, but do not include more than 10 words on a slide (unless it's a quotation you want to talk about).

Image: One or more relevant images to help the viewer understand what you will be learning about specifically.

Spoken - Explanation of why this area is important to you

Title: texting driving

Please help me out with this presentation please i need some really help.

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Other Subject: Explain where your issue is in state and local budgets
Reference No:- TGS03440791

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