
Explain what these are and give two examples of directives


Aging and death are not subjects most people enjoy talking about, but they are facts of life. As a long-time staff member of the Elder Services Resource Center, you are aware of the many significant issues and decisions all people face as they age. The center, established by the founder of nearby Maven Manor Nursing Home, operates on the belief that all people, young and old, should have access to the resources they need to help themselves and their loved ones with questions about aging and end of life. In your career at the center, you have never experienced a dull moment. So it comes as no surprise that the upcoming weeks will be busy one'sfor you. You'll be educating a group of newly hired Maven Manor employees about the aging process and compiling critical reference information on legal and care issues for your center's website. You will also share your expertise with the community by writing about the impact of the country's aging society and sharing broader cultural and social perspectives on human mortality.

The center recently received a grant to rebuild its website, which up until now has been little more than a home page. A new design for the site has been approved, and now it's time to create the content for new web pages. This is where you come in. You will be pulling together information on two topics: (1) legal and ethical issues related to aging and end of life, and (2) the major models of long-term and hospice care. The online resources you create will help people in the community and beyond who are searching for reliable information and guidance in these areas. Be sure the content you create for the website is written in your own words.

Content for Website Part 1: Legal and Ethical Issues

Briefly (in one or two paragraphs) cover each of these topics:

1. Advanced medical directives - Explain what these are and give two examples of directives, describing, for each, a possible situation in which it would have an impact.

2. Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) - In addition to explaining what DNR means, watch the DNR Case Video resource, which you are planning to include on the website. In one or two paragraphs, explain the situation described in the video and the legal and practical issues it raises about the use of DNRs. Also, discuss what might have prevented this understandably emotional situation from becoming as difficult as it was for the daughters.

3. Power of attorney and guardianship - Explain what these are and when they are used.

4. Fraud - Explain several common types of fraud or financial exploitation that target elders.

5. Elder abuse and neglect - Explain the main types, risk factors and prevention.

6. Probate, wills/estate planning - Explain what probate is and the importance of wills/estate planning for older people.

Content for Website Part 2: Models of Long-Term and Hospice Care

1. Introduce the major differences in focus and philosophy of long-term care and hospice care.

2. Create a one-to-two-page comparison table. In the table:
• List each the following Care Options:
o Care Options
- Home healthcare
- Nursing home
- Continuing care
- Assisted living
- Hospice (in-home and facility)
• For each Care Option, provide basic information in the following four Categories:
o Categories
- Types of services provided
- Patient profile - What factors might make someone a good fit for this type of care?
- Cost considerations and payment options
- Other considerations/suggestions related to this type of care

You will submit all your information in a single document for your supervisor's approval. Be sure the information is accurate and written in language that is easy to understand, even for people unfamiliar with the topics. Limit the amount of information you give to what is most important and use headings to guide readers. Cite your sources using APA format.

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Business Management: Explain what these are and give two examples of directives
Reference No:- TGS02855863

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