
Explain what the role of law with regard to stabilizing


Task One

Directions: This task should be approached as if it was a discussion question on a take home exam. Select just one of the discussion questions below. Construct an essay that addresses all parts of the question fully. Define all your key terms. Base your answer on the materials from the required readings listed below. If you draw upon other materials make sure they are scholarly sources and you reference the information. Email your task to Dr.

Abercrombie as either as a Word or PDF attachment or as text pasted into the body of the email. Refer to your syllabus for the task deadline. If you have any questions email Dr. Abercrombie- don't guess!

1. Explain social justice. Contract this concept with civil justice and criminal justice. Which approach do you think has the strongest affect on the American criminal justice system? Why?

2. List and define the main components of the American criminal justice system. Explain how some might conflict with others.

3. Define the VCR, NCUS and NIBRS. Explain how the NIBRS is attempting to address shortcomings of the VCR. What advantages does NCUS offer not found in the VCR? A complete answer would define and apply concepts such as crime trends, index crimes, part one offenses, and clearance rates.

4. Describe and contrast the basic features of sociological explanations of crime with psychological theories. A complete answer would be based upon the theorized origin point of criminal behavior.

5. Explain what the role of law with regard to stabilizing society. What important function does the role of law play in this stabilizing function?

6. Select a theory from your readings that attempts to explain why some people might commit crimes. Explain both the strengths and shortcomings of the theory and illustrate your main points with specific, detailed and clear examples.

7. List and define five categories of law violations. What role does perceived seriousness play in ranking the categories? What does such a ranking tell us about the social criteria of our society?

8. List and define eight general features of crime. A complete answer would include a discussion of the "three conjoined" elements that create the foundation of what constitutes the legal essence of a crime.

9. Explain the benefits and risks of using police using trickery during investigations and interrogations. A complete answer would contrast interrogations and interviews, offer detailed examples for each major point reviewed and why this is an important issue in modern policing.

10. Explain the benefits and risks of empowering police with a wide scope of discretion. Offer detailed examples illustrating both viewpoints and explain why this is an important issue in modern policing.

11. Explain how the social environment of early America and Britain contributed to the modern American police structure we have today.


Waller, B. (2009). You Decide!: Current Debates in Criminal Justice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Debate 1: Should the Police discretion when enforcing the law?

Debate 2: Should the Police Use Trickery and Deceit in Investigations and Interrogations? Debate 3: Should a Victim's Rights Amendment Be Added to the U.S. Constitution?

Debate 4: Should the Use of Jailhouse Informants Be Abolished?

Gaines, L, Miller, R. (2013). Criminal Justice in Action. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Chapter 1: Criminal Justice Today Chapter 2: Causes of Crime
Chapter 3: Defining and Measuring Crime Chapter 4: Inside Criminal Law
Chapter 5: Law Enforcement Today.

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Dissertation: Explain what the role of law with regard to stabilizing
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