
Explain what the quote means - explain your relationship to

Requirements: Mandatory: 2 Citations, 1 Works Cited, 400-500 words (minus the word count of the Works Cited page

Work on our Essay:

Base paper off of citation you provided.

Explain what the quote means.

Explain your relationship to the quote (what it means to you)--give a specific example(s)

Find another quote that relates to your paper and embed this quote in your paper.

Make a Work(s) Cited Page (not wiki sites)

--1 entry is your original quote

--2 entry is your second quotation that relates to the paper.

400-500 words plus the Works Cited page

This would help


The price of greatness is responsibility.


Quote that relates to paper:

It is not only for what we do that we are held

responsible, but also for what we do not do


What I am responsible for

Cleaning my room in the morning

Taking out the trash

Doing my homework

Getting good grades in schools.

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Other Subject: Explain what the quote means - explain your relationship to
Reference No:- TGS01733292

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