Problem 1:
History & Physical:
74-year-old female.
5 ft., 8 in.
175 lbs.
Penicillin allergy
Myocardial infarction 5 years ago.
QUESTION: Identify the client's symptoms to the available data under nurses' notes, V/S, Meds. Explain what the nursing interventions should be. Highlight the symptoms and interventions.
Problem 2:
Nurses' Notes:
Crackles bilaterally in lung bases
Last BM 3 days ago
O2 sat 89%
O2 4L per nasal canula.
Reports 6/10 back pain.
3+ pedal edema
Ejection fraction 32%
Decreased appetite.
Reports shortness of breath
Last BM yesterday morning
Denies weight change.
QUESTION: Looking at the data, pick only one thing (priority # 1); what problems is the most critical for this client? Give your rationale