
Explain what the following 68000 assembly language does

1. The following 68000 assembly language instructions are all incorrect. In each case, what specifically is the error?

(Hint: Consult the 68000 Instruction Set)


b. CMP.B #10,#20

c. ASR.W #9,D3

d. RTS.B

e. EOR.W (A1)+,D5

f. ANDI D1,D2

g. CLR.L A4

h. SWAP A3

i. ADDQ.L #14,D1

j. MOVEA.B #9,A1

2. Describe the following 68000 condition code register (CCR) flags

a. Z

b. N

c. C

d. V

3. Translate this high level language into 68000 assembly language. Assume the labels ‘T', ‘X', and ‘Y' have already been defined as references to specific memory addresses.

if T is greater than 10

then X=3

else Y=6

end if

4. Explain what the following 68000 assembly language does. Describe each line of code AND describe the overall effect of the program.

MOVE.B #10,D1

MOVEA.L #$500,A1


ADD.L #4,A1

SUB.B #1,D1


STOP #$1000

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Other Engineering: Explain what the following 68000 assembly language does
Reference No:- TGS02641990

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