Product Name: Choco Bliss
Manufacturer: twinkies
Year of Discontinuance: 1980s
Why Discontinued: Today's population is increasingly health conscious. There will always be consumers who will purchase Twinkies and another calorie-, fat-, and sugar-dense foods, SO the demand decrease
A. Consider the competition and marketplace and choose a pricing strategy (customer value-based pricing, cost-based pricing or competition-based). Provide a rationale for your selection.
B. Detail your analysis of internal and external considerations that affected your choice of a pricing strategy.
C. Set a base price for the Choco Bliss and identify any pricing tactics that will fine-tune the base price. Provide a rationale for your selections.
D. Explain what "target costing" is and give an example.
a. Is it an applicable price-positioning strategy for your target company? Explain.