
Explain what operations planning is and detail the

Write a detailed paper (2,000-2,500) answering the following series of questions. Discuss your answers with your trainer/ assessor and utilise the text in this document plus other readings (which must be correctly cited and referenced) to answer the questions and to justify your answers. Where appropriate, support your answers with workplace examples.

Explain what operations planning is, and detail the processes that should be followed to develop and implement operational plans. Outline the risk analysis procedures that might be followed and the procedures that would be followed to develop contingency plans. What sorts of controls might be put in place and why are they necessary? Detail also the procedures that would be followed to acquire and disburse resources. What is the purpose of a budget and how does the budget impact on operations plans?

Plans must be converted into action. Action is dependent on appropriate inputs. Output quality is dependent on input quality. What does this mean to you and to the choices an organisation might make with regard to suppliers?

Inputs are resources. Staff are one of the organisation's most important resources. This means that each organisation should develop and implement suitable recruitment, selection and induction procedures. What are the characteristics of good recruitment, selection and induction programs?

Once plans are put in place they must be monitored and evaluated. Explain why this is necessary and the strategies that might be followed to do this. What actions might be taken if performance does not meet predetermined standards?

Organisations must develop recordkeeping systems and must keep accurate and reliable performance records. Why is this necessary and how might this best be done?

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Basic Computer Science: Explain what operations planning is and detail the
Reference No:- TGS01561075

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